Fucking Awesome is an American skateboard company and streetwear brand. Due to the profanity in the brand's name, it is often referred to as simply "FA."
FA was created by professional skateboarders Jason Dill and Anthony Van Engelen.
FA has created collaborations with brands like Vans, Adidas, and Independent Trucks.
FA has a sister brand called "Hockey.
FA is close with Hockey and the brand often releases video parts using both sets of teams.
FA currently harbors two skate teams, Fucking Awesome and Hockey.
Limited collector FA Boards available at D'LORDX Skate Supply. (Helping Collector friend selling his limited collections 😺 👋 👋
Happy Skateboarding 🛹
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FA SKATEBOARD Deck ( Collector items)
All brand-new collector items.
kept in show room condition
The collector himself got extra pieces to sell.
Limited edition.
Selling on behalf for Homies
All design only 1 piece