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Krux DLK inverted kingpin is set lower for more grind clearance enabling less hang ups on grinds and stalls. Baseplate Style. Standard. Non-Compatible Risers.



Krux Kingpin Downlow  DLK K5 Set of 2



2 kingpins, 2 nuts 2 top & 2 bottom washers



includes 5.5mm allen key



Fits in most tall and low trucks



hex head kingpin can be tightened with regular wrench or allen key.


The completely redesigned DLK (Down Low Kingpin) now works with either a 5.5mm Allen or standard 9/16" wrench. Upgrade newer Krux standard kingpin trucks (2018 to present) to an inverted kingpin setup.


Happy Skateboarding 🛹


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KRUX K5 Dlk Kingpin Allen Key

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